We work with original-equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and parts and service suppliers across all sectors of the automotive industry, from passenger-car and light-truck manufacturers to heavy-truck makers and to agricultural and construction-equipment companies. Our work involves strategic and corporate-finance topics ranging from products and branding to mergers-and-acquisitions strategies. We also focus on operational topics ranging from project management to product launch and from lean manufacturing and production to supplier management and value-chain cost reduction. Regardless of the specific challenge, our overriding goal is to provide clients with improved productivity, enhanced innovation, and better performance.
In addition, we engage in internal research projects. Recent examples include developing insights on the changing supplier/OEM relationship, developing a perspective on the evolution and impact of economic dynamics in emerging markets, and forecasting the impact of carbon fiber and other lightweight materials on automakers.
EHS Needs of Automotive Industry
OEMs must stay abreast of changing product regulation and environmental health and safety standards. From federal to provincial/state and local issues, IHS helps you focus on maintaining competitive advantage through product technology leadership while saving costs on compliance.