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Global EHS Regulatory Consulting Firm - YGP

Our People & Partners

With in-house experts and international partners in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Americas, Young & Global Partners provide clients with extensive service of highly ranked professionals in the world. Many of our professionals have received outstanding national and international recognition in their area of work. Below is a selective list of our in-house and international professionals.

Our Experts & Partners

Young & Global Partners reach a wide group of corporate managers and governmental officials ranging from the administrative to decision-making level. More than 34,000 readers rely on Young & Global Partners for intelligent environmental, health and safety regulatory information and advice throughout the world. Our clients and readers represents a broad range of global and local companies, intergovernmental organizations, national governments and academic institutions worldwide. Our clients and readers are located around the world.

Young & Global Partners

13 Square Ambiorix
B-1000, Brussels
Tel. +32-(0)2 300 5930
Fax. +32-(0)2 300 5939
Email: ygp@ynpglobal.com

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