Global EHS Audit Protocol
YGP delivers cost-effective, easy-to-use, online regulatory database-backed EHS audit protocols for global companies. Our EHS audit protocols have been used by clients to:
- ensure ongoing EHS compliance of facilities in a specific jurisdiction;
develop environmental, occupational safety and health management systems; - carry out due diligence audit before the acquisition or transfer of property;
- perform in-house assessments on EHS compliance;
- train corporate and local EHS staff on EHS regulatory issues.
YGP EHS Compliance Audit Protocol is the tool to conduct an EHS compliance audit or site assessment for your facilities in over 300 jurisdictions in the world. YGP EHS Audit System provides users with the Screening Question Function to easily and quickly generate self-tailored audit checklists and compliance guide notes. For most non-English speaking countries Dual-language EHS audit protocols are available for global and local EHS managers.
Use of YGP EHS Audit Protocol
- Detailed Guidance for each audit questions assists users to understand legal requirements and answer an audit question.
- Select and purchase of any interesting EHS subjects that may impact your operation or products.
- Screening Questions Generate audit and compliance score sheets.
- Access to Audit Protocols in English and/or local languages
- Access to YGP Global EHS Intelligence Portal including enormous regulatory resources.
- Comprehensive assessment of EHS compliance performance and, where necessary, with corporate EHS standards.
- Detailed audit questions, guidance, onsite-tested functions and checklists.
- Access to searchable EHS legal database and to original legal texts (and, where available, English translation).
- Easy saving and export of EHS audit checklists and results.
- Systematic management of global EHS operation.
- Access to YGP EHS auditors and consultants.
Tailored EHS Audit Protocols
- Add corporate standards or site-specific requirements.
- Control over the level of detail.
- Drill down to more technical language and data when the complexities of a situation demand it.
- Save an audit and return to it at any time.
- Share templates and provide access to authorized team members.
Amongst others, they include:
Asia Pacific (APAC)
- China, China-Beijing, China-Fujian, China-Guangdong, China-Jiangsu, China-Shangdong, China-Shanghai, China-Zhejiang, China-…
- Hong Kong
- India, India-Goa, India-Karnataka, India-Maharashtra
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Kazakstan
- Malaysia
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Vietnam.
- Australia, Australia-ACT, Australia-NSW, Australia-Queensland, Australia-South Australia, Australia-Tasmania, Australia-Victoria, Australia-Western Australia
- New Zealand
- Papua New Guinea.
Central America, Latin America (CALA)
- Argentina, Argentina-Buenos Aires, Argentina-Chubut
- Barbados
- Brazil, Brazil-Bahia, Brazil-Espirito Santo, Brazil-Minas Gerais, Brazil-Rio de Janerio, Brazil-Sao Paulo
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Peru
- Puerto Rico
- Suriname
- Trinidad and Tobago
North America
- Canada, Canada-New Brunswick, Canada-Newfoundland, Canada-Nova Scotia, Canada-Saskatchewan, Canada-Alberta, Canada-British Columbia, Canada-Ontario, Canada-Quebec
- Mexico
- United States (US), US-Alabama, US-Arkansas, US-California, US-Connecticut, US-Florida, US-Georgia, US-Illinois, US-Indiana, US-Iowa, US-Kansas, US-Maryland, US-Massachusetts, US-Michigan, US-Minnesota, US-Mississippi, US-New Jersey, US-New York, US-North Carolina, US-Ohio, US-Oklahoma, US-Oregon, US-Pennsylvania, US-Rode Island, US-Tennesssee, US-Texas, US-Virginia, US-Washington, US-Wisconsin
- Uruguay
- Venezuela.
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium, Belgium-Wallonia, Belgium-Flemish, Belgium-Brussels
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- European Union
- Finland
- France
- Germany, Germany-Bavaria, Germany-Hesse, Germany-NRW
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia, Russia-Moscow
- Slovakia
- Spain, Spain-Catalonia, Spain-Madrid
- Sweden
- Switzerland, Switzerland-Neuchatel, Switzerland-Zurich
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- UK-England, UK-Scotland, UK-Wales.
Middle East & Africa
- Algeria
- Angola
- Botswana
- DR Congo
- Egypt
- Gabon
- Ghana
- Iraq
- Israel
- Keyna
- Kuwait
- Mauritius
- Nigeria
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Seychelles
- South Africa
- Tanzania
- Tunisia
- United Arab Emirates (UAE), UAE-Abu Dhabi, UAE-Dubai
- Uganda.
EHS Subjects Covered
- General Environmental Management: General requirement, planning, resources and training, building permit, environmental impact assessment, integrated pollution prevention control, register of pollution, environmental liability, soil contamination and remediation, etc.
- Air Emissions & Pollution Control: Permits, operating rules, emission limits, waste incineration, heating installations, odor emissions, noise emissions, fee & charges, climate change, emissions trading, etc.
- Waste Management & Recycling: Waste collection, storage, packaging, record-keeping, reporting, waste treatment, hazardous waste, packaging waste, international shipment of waste, electronic waste, take-back & recycling requirement, etc.
- Water Resources & Wastewater Discharge: Abstraction of groundwater and surface water, water supply, water use fee, wastewater discharge, spill prevention, rain water, storm water, etc.
- Chemicals Management: Classification of chemicals, registration and notification, MSDS, packaging and labelling, restrictions to manufacture, marketing and use, ozone depleting substances, toxic release inventory or pollutant release and transfer register, asbestos, PCBs, etc.
- Dangerous Goods Management: Storage and transport of dangerous goods by road, air, inland waterway, and sea. Vehicles and tanks, packaging and labelling, safety advisers, training, loading, unloading and handling, security provisions, etc.
- General Safety Management: General H&S requirement, workplace risk assessment, participation of employees in health and safety, protection of special groups of workers, contractor management, H&S training, construction safety, etc.
- Technical Safety Management: Risk assessment & personal protection equipment, electrical installations, traffic routes, work at height, material handling, machinery, equipment &tools, pressure vessels, vehicle safety, explosive atmosphere, etc.
- Fire Safety & Emergency Response: Fire prevention, training, evacuation, hot work, fire fighting equipment, explosion prevention, major industrial accidents, etc.
- Occupational Health Management: Medical service, first aid, accidents/incidents reporting and investigation, occupational diseases, risk factor monitoring, noise and vibrations, non-ionizing radiations and lasers, chemical agents, dusts, biological agents, carcinogens, mutagens, heat & cold work conditions, work at risk, temperature, lighting, sanitary management, exposure control, ergonomics, etc.
This is what we have dreamed of. You made it and delivered it.